Year-Round Eyeglass Collection Sites
E Komo Mai...The World's Largest Service Organization

For over 100 years, the men and women of Lions Clubs International (LCI) have never hesitated to serve their communities. Lions Clubs are global leaders in public and humanitarian service. LCI is the world’s largest service club organization with over 1.4 million members in over 48,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

What's New?
2024 88th Annual Hawaii Lions District Convention
It was a weekend of business and fun for the Hawaii Lions. The culmination at the end of the fiscal year brings Lions Club members from around the state for its annual gathering.
Pearl City Charter
2024 Honolulu Festival Parade Call for Volunteers March 10, 2024
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! The Honolulu Festival attracts over 5000+participants and 30,000 visitors to events held over the 3 days of the festival. Cultural groups participating in the event are assured of an audience gathering to watch their performance. The Annual Honolulu Festival is Hawaii's foremost cultural event showcasing the multi-ethnic diversity of the Pacific Rim and Hawaii.
88th Annual Hawaii Lions District 50 Convention
Convention-goers can look forward to an inspiring weekend of business and fun, as we unite to shape the future of our great association.
Maui Disaster Relief
Aloha All…Whenever disaster strikes, the Hawaii Lions Clubs are often among the first to offer relief. The wildfires in Lahaina are so devastating, it’s going to take a lot of resources and financial aid. As the Lions on Maui work together with the county to send food, water, and medical supplies, they’re going to need monetary ability to help them mobilize.
Lions Clubs International will assist with their major disaster funding but with certain restrictions. However with funding from the Hawaii Lions Foundation, our Lions have immediate use and are not as restricted.
We’re asking our Lions members, family, friends, and complete strangers to help support our cause to make a donation.
Open your hearts and give as much as you can.All donations are tax deductible.We’ll be updating that page soon to reflect the Maui Disaster Relief. The Lions Eye Bank Hawaii (LEBH) is part of the Hawaii Lions Foundation (HLF) and donations through LEBH go directly to the HLF. Simply scan the QRC code and it will take you to the donation page.
Thank you – Hawaii Lions Foundation
Hawaii Lions Foundation
405 North Kuakini Street #801
Honolulu, HI 96817
HAWAII…COME TOGETHER! “Hawaii Aloha”…Sharing to inspire those who did not lose anything to help
those that were displaced or perished in the Lahaina wildfire devastation.
Community Service
Since 1917, Lions Clubs have aided the blind & visually impaired, and made a strong commitment to community service through our five global causes: vision, hunger relief, childhood cancer, environment and diabetes. Through volunteer work, Lions are learning new things and developing leadership skills every day. … Hawaii Lions are doing good – for others and for themselves. Joining a local Lions club is a great way to network with other people in your community and to make new friends.
Hawaii Kai Lions for Traffic Awareness
In support of the Community Policing Team of District 7 East Honolulu and Kamiloiki Elementary School, the Hawaii Kai Lions continue to encourage safe driving near our schools and look forward to participating in future projects with them, as well as the other schools within the community.
The annual Parks & Rec Easter Eggstravaganza was held at Koko Head District Park complex on Saturday, April 1 from 8:00a to 11:00a. Hawaii Kai Lions assisted with registration and distribution of gift bags to each child.
Waikoloa Lutheran Church Cleanup
The Waikoloa Lions with the help of the Waikoloa Lutheran Church took two huge loads of grass, leaves and tree branches to recycle.
How the Hawaii Lions Came to Be
The Incredible story of a 1926 fight for equality that changed the face of Volunteerism throughout the World – Forever!
Ready to Make a Difference?
Volunteering your time & energy to others is an awesome way to help your community. Do you want to make a positive impact in your life and how you approach the world? Ask yourself, are you or do you wish to be this type of person?
- Make a difference everyday in your community
- Provide support locally or reach out internationally
- Grow personally and professionally by participating in our programs, community service projects and events
- Have an impact on local and international humanitarian issues
- Develop relationships with both local and international community and business leaders
Our Partners in Service
Hawaii Lions could not serve our communities without the generosity of our non-profit & corporate partners. We continue to search for resources to promote and complete our services. Join our mission to serve the communities of Hawaii, become our partner.
Hawaii Lions Network
Hawaii Lions Foundation – The mission of the Hawaii Lions Foundation is to serve as District 50 Hawaii Lions’ charitable, tax-exempt body to promote programs of improving and expanding services to sight and hearing impaired persons while enhancing the image of Lionism throughout the State of Hawaii.
Your support of the Hawaii Lions Foundation makes our work possible.
Please donate and send your tax deductible check made out to:
405 N. Kuakini St. #801
Honolulu, HI 96817
Lions Eye Bank of Hawai’i – By providing our community with quality ocular tissue for transplantation and providing non-surgical ocular tissue to research institutions we can further understand blinding diseases. All with the hope that one day unnecessary blindness can be prevented. Since 1980, the eye bank is an essential part of our organization.
Hawaii LEO Clubs – Leo clubs encourage youths to develop leadership qualities by participating in social service activities. They develop skills as a project organizer, time manager and team leader. They gain experience learning how teamwork, cooperation and collaboration can bring exciting changes to your community and the world. It’s a great opportunity for them to make friends and feel the rewards of community service.
Lions Clubs International – Headquarters: Lions serve and it has been since we first began in 1917. Our clubs are places where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities, and the world. Here you will find a lot more of what Lions do Worldwide.
Your charitable gift to the Hawaii Lions Foundation helps support our service programs. To mail in your tax deductible donation, simply send a check to:
405 N. Kuakini St. #801
Honolulu, HI 96817

Executive Secretary:
Phone: (808) 755-9998
Email: [email protected]
405 N. Kuakini Street #801
Honolulu, HI 96817
Privacy Statement
We have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy for our web site users and our membership. The privacy statement may change at any time; any changes will be posted on this page. Should you have additional questions, comments or concerns please contact us.
LINKS – At certain places on this Hawaii Lions District 50 Website, live ‘links’ to other Internet addresses can be accessed. Such external Internet addresses contain information created, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by institutions or organizations independent of Hawaii Lions District 50. Hawaii Lions District 50 does not endorse, approve, certify, or control these external Internet addresses and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, timeliness, or correct sequencing of information located at such addresses. Use of any information obtained from such addresses is voluntary, and reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, efficacy, and timeliness. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademarks, service mark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Hawaii Lions District 50.
EMAIL PRIVACY – Your e-mail address will only be used within the Hawaii Lions District 50 and its entities. We do not sell or rent e-mail addresses to anyone outside the Hawaii Lions District 50. If you wish to be removed from our e-mail mailings, please submit your request to: [email protected].