New Member Orientation
Proper orientation is one way to help with the retention of members. It provides an overview of the Lions organization’s proud history, structure, benefits, and extent of services worldwide. All new members should receive orientation of the International organization, District 50 Hawaii Lions, and their respective club.
Past District Governor Cecelia Izuo
Proud Lion Coordinator
International Association of Lions Clubs
Starting as a dream in the mind of a young Chicago insurance agent, the man was Melvin Jones; the dream was the consolidation of several independent clubs, already in existence, into one strong, influential unit for service to humanity. This dream was presented to the leaders of various independent groups at a meeting in Chicago, Illinois, on June 7, 1917. From that meeting came a call for the Association’s annual convention, which was held October 8-10, 1917 in Dallas, Texas, with 23 clubs participating. Thus was conceived and founded the world’s largest, most active and most representative service club organization. (Melvin Jones – Founder International Association of Lions Clubs)
The Founding of Lions Clubs International
“…to aid my fellowman by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak and my substance to the needy” – Video Quote
The Association did not become international in fact until 1920 when the first Lions clubs were organized in Canada. The third, fourth and fifth Lions countries were China, Mexico and Cuba in 1926 and 1927. Eight years later Central America entered the fold, and in 1936 the first South American club was established in Colombia. The first Lions club in Europe was organized in Stockholm, Sweden on March 24, 1948. Although the largest by far, the Lions are the youngest of the major service club organizations.
Today our Association is in practically all countries of the world. On every continent it is working through hundreds of thousands of Lions of all nationalities and creeds.
The Lions believe in club meetings where good fellowship and harmony prevail; in developing projects and activities geared to the needs of their communities; in broad participation in an international program of brotherhood and fellowship, based upon service wherever the need exists; in service to humanity without thought to race, creed, nationality, religion or politics; in the ultimate leadership of Lionism, but not at the expense of or in conflict with the programs of other organizations which, with different methods, seek the same goal of unselfish service to mankind.
Our International President 2023-2024
As a Lion for more than 32 years, International President Dr. Patti Hill has always brought out the very best in others. Her life and career have been defined by her passion for social justice, her dedication to helping others reach their full potential and her devotion to making the world a better place for all people.
The Impact of Melvin Jones
“Lions live to make this world better, not only for this generation but for the next.” – Melvin Jones
Knights of the Blind
Helen Keller
She challenges the Lions to be
“Knights of the Blind in the Crusade Against Darkness”
Hellen Keller’s Biography
Lions Pledge
Lions Mission Statement
How the Hawaii Lions Came to Be
The Incredible story of a 1926 fight for equality that changed the face of Volunteerism throughout the World – Forever!
Hawaii Lions History Brief
The Lions of District 50 Hawaii are a dedicated group of men and women that identify a number of critical community needs, then work together to raise the funds & manpower to fulfill those needs. Celebrating our 95th year of service in the state, the 1,500+ Lions of District 50 Hawaii are members of 57 different local Lions Clubs throughout the islands. Our Hawaii Lions relentlessly and unselfishly volunteer their talents, time, skills, and donations to assist and serve the people of Hawaii as well as assist & support charitable efforts throughout the world.
With nearly 1.4-million members in 46,000 clubs worldwide, Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest volunteer service organization. Our members live the Lions’ motto everyday: “We Serve!” Here are some historical facts about the Lions Clubs in Hawaii:
The Pan Pacific Club was chartered 10/11/26 as the Lions Club of Honolulu, opening Lionism worldwide to all races and nationalities after the “whites only” clause of the Lions International constitution was eliminated through the relentless lobbying of club Secretary, Colbert Kurokawa.
Kona Lions Club becomes first in Lions history to accept a “woman” member – Madame Pele (Goddess of the volcano) – after an earthquake hits during Kona’s charter night, June 17, 1934.
Nolle R. Smith Sr., Lions Club of Honolulu, elected 2nd District Governor of Hawai`i Lions in 1937, becomes first African-American District Governor in the United States.
Helen Keller visits Honolulu in 1937 and personally urges the Hawai`i Lions to fully embrace the title of “Knights of the Blind” and to help “…make things right…” for the handicapped.
1938, Hawai`i Lions lobby the Territorial Legislature for $35,000 to assist the Bureau of Sight Conservation establish meaningful jobs for the blind by operating dozens of newspaper vending stands in several government buildings. Hawai`i Lions would continue to raise millions more over the decades to help establish and support the Ho`opono Rehabilitation Center for the Blind. The Hawaiian word “Ho`opono” means “…to make things right.”
After 1941 Pearl Harbor attack, Hawai`i Lions restricted for remainder of the War due to military blackouts and lack of meeting places, but tirelessly assist in civil defense and clean-up efforts. PDG Nolle Smith also heads a hugely successful nationwide “Bullets For Hitler” war bond drive.
In the 20 years following WWII, over 40 new Hawai`i Lions clubs were chartered in District 50.
Kamehameha Lions Club (chartered 11/10/48) became the first Lions Club in the world chartered by Lions Clubs International to be named after a person instead of a location.
In 1949, Kamehameha Lion George Akau first coins the phrase “We Serve”, later adopted in a worldwide contest as the new motto of Lions Clubs International in 1954. Hawai`i would lose official credit for Akau’s entry in the contest because it was postmarked one day late!
First snowball fight ever on Waikiki beach, March 28, 1952, held as a fundraiser by the Honolulu Lions and Waikiki Lions when they shipped in tons of snow via military transport from the Hawai`i summit of Mauna Kea. Broadcast worldwide on radio, the stunt raised thousands of dollars for the blind as tourists & locals gave donations for throwing snowballs.
The Lions International Pledge, authored by Thomas Shields of Lions Club of Honolulu, was officially approved in 1974 by Lions Clubs International for use by all members worldwide.
The 1976 International Lions Convention was held in Honolulu, drawing 35,000 delegates from all 50 States and over 125 Countries. It coincided with the 4th of July holiday that celebrated America’s Bi-Centennial. With the support and showmanship of Honolulu Mayor Frank Fasi, the Lions sponsored a massive & elaborate Waikiki celebration that still stands as the largest and most expensive parade in the history of Hawai`i.
Every Governor of the Territory and State of Hawai`i since the 1920’s has been an active or honorary member of a local Hawai`i Lions club.
Build Your Lions Knowledge
Orientation Presentations
These PowerPoint presentations and interactive card games were created for usage in orientation and reinforcement. Please use these tools as instructional aid in telling the Lions story. The Complete Orientation File Pack includes the following Orientations:
- International (PowerPoint presentation, Stand Alone Quickview, Associated Script)
- District 50 (PowerPoint presentation, Stand Alone Quickview)
- Club (Customizable PowerPoint presentation, tailor to your Club)
Interactive Card Game
Prepare cards by printing the PDF Card Sets (in color) on heavy bond paper or card stock (preferred). Cut the sheet vertically in half and fold cards.
To play the game: Randomly issue 1 card per player. Players are required to locate another player who holds a matching card. A matching pair is defined as having the same color AND border style frame. Upon reading the card’s information, the content described must be relevant to the pairing. Once this is established, all players need to work as a team, correctly placing their cards in chronological order. When done, the cards are read aloud.
There are two sets of cards, one for Lions International and one for District 50. Each set has 6 pages with 4 cards on each page. Twenty-four cards in total for Lions International and twenty-four cards for District 50. They are also included in the Complete Orientation File Pack.

Proud Lion Achievement Award
This member award program was designed as stepping blocks in progression to become a well-rounded Lion. As you grow within the organization, each task accomplished allows one to engage and to be active. The highest level award “Proud Lion Elite”, encourages the Lion to take on more leadership responsibilities. Let’s Get Started!
All files in editable PDF format
[Proud Lion] [Proud Lion Too] [Proud Lion Elite]
Proud Lion Award
Each new member, with help from his/her sponsor or mentor, is asked to accomplish 7 tasks within 6 months of joining. The new member receives his/her award (a certificate of accomplishment and a pin) usually at the cabinet meeting following the fulfillment of the criterion. The Proud Lion is also recognized during convention.
Proud Lion Too Award
As an extension of the Proud Lion Award, the criterion for the Proud Lion Too further activates the new member. The new Lion has 2 years to accomplish 9 tasks in order to receive the Proud Lion Too award. Proud Lion is not a prerequisite to receive the Proud Lion Too award.
Proud Lion Elite Award
The third Proud Lion Award was created when Lions with more service wanted to earn a pin too. The Proud Lion Elite award is for members who have been Lions for more than 5 consecutive years. The Proud Lion Elite Award has 12 tasks that must be accomplished within ANY 5 yr. period.
Go Out There and Make it Happen!
Your charitable gift to the Hawaii Lions Foundation helps support our service programs. To mail in your tax deductible donation, simply send a check to:
405 N. Kuakini St. #801
Honolulu, HI 96817

Executive Secretary:
Phone: (808) 755-9998
Email: [email protected]
405 N. Kuakini Street #801
Honolulu, HI 96817