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Hawaii Kai Lions Sidewalk Patching

Hawaii Kai Lions Sidewalk Patching

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The Hawaii Kai Lions club patched up the sidewalk on Pepe’ekeo Street in Hawai’i Kai between Hawai’i Kai Drive and Haha’ione Street. For more information please view the news article here

Lions Eyeglass Cleaning

Lions Eyeglass Cleaning

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Eyeglass cleaning with Hibiscus Lions. Donated glasses are cleaned and shipped to other countries in need. Over 800 glasses cleaned so far in 2022!

HONK for Foster Care Awareness Month!

Lions supporting Project Pilina out in Waimea this afternoon. Partners in Development Foundation inspires and equips families and communities for success and service using timeless Native Hawaiian values and traditions.

Beautifying the Garden

Saturday was a wonderful day to serve at Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo. The “Legacy Project” sponsored by Hilo Lions Club, Local Scout Troop 19, and Friends of Liliuokalani Gardens brought volunteers together to help weed, trim, and beautify the Garden.… Read More »Beautifying the Garden

Spring Clean Hawaii

Spring Clean Hawaii with Lions from Region 4 Zone 1 These members from the Honolulu Lions Club and Aloha Pono Lions Club, spent their morning sweeping, picking up trash, cutting grass, etc. at Ala Moana Beach/Magic Island and under our… Read More »Spring Clean Hawaii

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