Sight is Beautiful Poster Contest
The Kāneʻohe Lions Club recently sponsored student art submissions for the Sight is Beautiful Poster Contest. Please join us at Windward Mall to view the inspiring entries from our local keiki.
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The Kāneʻohe Lions Club recently sponsored student art submissions for the Sight is Beautiful Poster Contest. Please join us at Windward Mall to view the inspiring entries from our local keiki.
Waikoloa Lions with Troop and Pack 38 cleaned up Waikoloa Road through the village. Twelve bags of trash later the road looks much cleaner.
2024-12-25: Our Kupuna Card Team ended 2024 with a bang, donating 745 hand-made and store-bought cards to three different agencies!
ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY WITH KAMEHAMEHA LIONS AND FRIENDS…on Sunday 10/6/24, Lions Club members from Kamehameha, Aloha Pono, and Palolo Lions Club, along with “Team Pickleball” made swift work picking up opala along the Pali. Not everyone on this aina is pono…in 2 hours time we hauled in 26 full trash bags of litter. Please take care of our environment!
The Hawaii Lions gathered for a pre-convention party at Ala Moana Beach Park. We were treated to Pastele Stew, Gandule Rice, Pizza, and various desserts. Tomorrow we begin the annual 88th 2024 Hawaii Lions District Convention held at the Ala Moana Hotel. Photos by Lion Irwin & 2VDG Sean Benito.
The Hapalua event would not be possible to stage without volunteers. Moanalua Lions were there, along with Waikiki 2000, Palolo, and Koko Head Lions members to support the medical tent.
In support of the Community Policing Team of District 7 East Honolulu and Kamiloiki Elementary School, the Hawaii Kai Lions continue to encourage safe driving near our schools and look forward to participating in future projects with them, as well as the other schools within the community.
The annual Parks & Rec Easter Eggstravaganza was held at Koko Head District Park complex on Saturday, April 1 from 8:00a to 11:00a. Hawaii Kai Lions assisted with registration and distribution of gift bags to each child.
The Waikoloa Lions with the help of the Waikoloa Lutheran Church took two huge loads of grass, leaves and tree branches to recycle.
The Hawaii Kai Lions successfully installed 74 storm drain markers as a reminder to keep municipal drains clear of trash and debris throughout the Mariner’s Cove neighborhood in Hawaii Kai.