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Cook Book $15 Fundraiser...Binding day

Limited Edition Cook Book Binding

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COOK BOOKS $15 each – District 50 Lions binding the limited edition Lions cookbook. Fundraiser to subsidize young Lions to attend either the USA Canada Lions Forum or the International Convention and the Hawaii Lions Foundation.

Hawaii Lions Food Drive Poster

Hawaii Lions Fall Food Drive – 11/19/22 9am-12pm

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HELP OTHERS BY DONATING! In partnership with the Hawaii Foodbank, hundreds of Hawaii Lions & youth Leo Club volunteers throughout the State will staff the collection site and will be accepting canned goods ONLY which include the Hawaii Foodbank’s most wanted foods: Meats & Tuna ● Soups ● Fruits & Vegetables ● Rice ● Canned Meals – Pasta, Chili, Corned Beef Hash

87th Hawaii Lions Convention 2023 - Why Attend?

87th Hawaii Lions District Convention 2023

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Visit the Convention Website to obtain the Convention Promo Pack

Aloha fellow Lions, Companions in Service (CIS), Leos and guests! I MUA Let us move forward together and celebrate a year of service at the 87th District 50 Hawai’i Lions Convention. The Convention will be at the Ala Moana Hotel in Honolulu on April 27 through 29, 2023.

Lion Mom & Baby

D50 Summer Fun Event

1ST QUARTER CABINET MEETING…D50 Summer Fun Event. The Hawaii Lions opened up the new fiscal year with meeting in person along with several other Lions members who were not able to travel and attended virtually through Zoom. Guest Speaker Dr. Desiree Medeiros (Pediatric Cancer) presented her mission and involvement with their annual Children’s Camp.
– Photos by District Photographer Lion Thomas Palmer

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