Aloha and welcome to our District 50 Hawaii Lions website where you can volunteer, donate and join.
District 50 – Hawaii, is comprised of nearly 60 Lions Clubs on every inhabited island except Niihau. Over 1500 Lions in Hawaii join the 1.4 million members of the International Association of Lions Clubs, the world’s largest service organization. Since our beginning in 1917, Lions Clubs are now located in over 200 countries and geographic areas. Lions in Hawaii are men and women who volunteer their time towards humanitarian causes.
Lions sponsor programs for young people, including youth groups called Leo Clubs, providing scholarships and service opportunities. In Hawaii there are 30 Leo Clubs in high schools and in the community. Contact us if you would like to start a Leo Club.
The Hawaii Lions Foundation (HLF) is the charitable tax-exempt arm of District 50, which was established in 1961 to financially support humanitarian needs in Hawaii. HLF also maintains the Lions Eye Bank of Hawaii and Makana Foundation to provide ocular tissue for surgery.
Your support of the Hawaii Lions Foundation makes our work possible.
Please donate and send your tax deductible check made out to:
405 N. Kuakini St. #801
Honolulu, HI 96817
Lions evaluate community needs and choose service projects to meet those needs. Lions collect and recycle used eyeglasses, support free vision screenings at local elementary and pre-schools. Besides Vision, Lions focus on the Environment, Diabetes, Hunger, and Childhood Cancer. You can volunteer to help at our projects. Volunteer today.
“We serve” is the motto of all Lions worldwide. Lions serve. It’s what we do. While the Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic changed the way we live and work, it has not changed who we are. Lions and Leos found other ways to serve safely in our communities. However, it is not all work and no play; we have fun too. Join today.
Aloha and mahalo for allowing the Lions of Hawaii to serve our communities.
Lion Gary Nip
District Governor 2022-2023
District 50 – Hawaii