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2024 Hawaii Lions District Convention

88th D50 Hawaii Lions Convention

DOWNLOAD Convention Registration packet, Pins & Ad’s form HERE

April 26-27th, 2024 at the Ala Moana Hotel


WHY ATTEND?…Convention-goers can look forward to an inspiring weekend of business and fun, as we unite to shape the future of our great association.  The festivities include our Annual General Business, Educational sessions, our guest speaker International Director Judge Anthony W. Paradiso and a Hawaii Lions Awards Luncheon in recognition of our over achievers

The convention offers an ideal setting for reuniting acquaintances and making new friends. Lions also learn about other club and district projects, participate in elections, and make personal connections with international leaders and representatives from headquarters.  The most important part of our District Convention, however, is YOU – the Lions and Leos from around the state whose commitment to serving those in need remains constant in an ever-changing world. Our future is in your hands.

JOIN US!…Have you registered for our 88th Annual D50 Hawaii Lions District convention? If not, let’s get started. The deadline is Feb 28, 2024. We are offering a $100 cash prize to the club with the most registered participants per capita. For example, if you have 50 members in your club and 25 members register for the convention, you will have achieved a rate of 50%. To qualify you will need at least 10 members in your club in good standing. 

APRIL 26…There’s an exciting line-up of events including First Timers w/ Lion Kathryn, our traditional Lions Flag Ceremony by the St. Louis JROTC Color Guard,  Cabinet meeting, Resolutions, Memorial service, HLF meeting – Parade of checks, engaging Keynote luncheon speaker – ID Judge Anthony Paradiso from New York, Awards Ceremony (including Proud Lions) & Fun night dinner that will be filled with prizes – raffles – bingo – dancing – King & Queen – contest for best dressed 60’s & 70’s & Fun! Fun! Fun! Don’t miss out on these Friday events. No host bar will be included in the dinners.

APRIL 27…Then the Saturday events will include our LCIF updates, changes to our Constitution & Bylaws, Elections of our new DG team with their exciting nominations/acceptance speeches. Right after the meeting, we will have a 4 hour break to give you enough time to shop/browse at Ala Moana Center. Then we will meet again for the phenomenal DG Banquet dinner while listening to the majestic music by Uluwale, District Governor awards & appreciation, Humanitarian award, raffles and your chance to win Hawaiian Airline Miles. To cap the night off, we are hosting a Karaoke contest with the wonderful PDG Blayne Hanagami at the reigns as MC with cash prizes for the top 2 contestants: 1st place- $100, 2nd place- $25. Space is limited so be sure to sign up with Lion Kalae at by March 28 with your song choice.

Our committee teams have been working hard to make sure we have a successful, fun, engaging, memorable & productive convention. We are excited to see you there!

Fun Night District Convention 2009


 Friday & Saturday, April 26-27, 2024 – Ala Moana Hotel 
 Ala Moana Meeting Hotel Room Reservation HERE

$179 plus taxes & fees for the Kona Tower
$219 plus taxes & fees for the Waikiki Tower

DOWNLOAD Convention Registration packet, Pins & Ad’s form HERE


Ala Moana Hotel Parking lot for non-hotel guests: $10 for 8 hours, $12 for 10 hours, valet is $35.
You will need a stamp at the registration table for the discount.

ADDITIONAL PARKING available at Ala Moana Center @Skybridge.  Premium Parking is the managing company.  Our section is P1706.  Visit the website: for more information.  As members register, a 50% off promotional code will be provided.

Website: / Mobile App: Download Premium Parking App

Additional Parking at Ala Moana

DOWNLOAD Convention Registration packet, Pins & Ad’s form HERE


If you have any questions, concerns, need additional information or would like for me to attend your meeting, please do not hesitate to contact Lion Kalae at any time. 

Mahalo – Lion Kalae Kukahiko, 2024 District Convention Chair
(808) 256-6850 /

Lions Together WE Serve!

Ps. Don’t forget to RSVP for our Free Lions Reunion event organized by Region III Zone 1 on Thursday, April 25, 2024, 4:30pm-6:30pm @ Ala Moana Beach Park. Menu: Pastele stew bowl & salad. RSVP

PPs. Remember, if your non-Lion family, friends or acquaintances would like to attend the dinners or luncheon, they do not have to pay the registration fee.

Your charitable gift to the Hawaii Lions Foundation helps support our service programs. To mail in your tax deductible donation, simply send a check to:

405 N. Kuakini St. #801
Honolulu, HI  96817

2024 District Convention Hero Shot

Executive Secretary:
Phone: (808) 755-9998
405 N. Kuakini Street #801
Honolulu, HI 96817