Friday June 30, 2023 / Pearl Country Club
Hawaii Lions Foundation Golf Classic Fundraiser Flyer
Golfer Registration
Aloha Friends!
Nearly 100 years ago, the Lions of Hawaii began its humanitarian services to those in need. Today there are 55 Lions Clubs and 1547 Lions statewide who volunteer their time and talents to serve without remuneration.
With the increase in demands for providing personal services and financial aid to the less fortunate in Hawaii, the Hawaii Lions Foundation (HLF) was chartered in 1961 and approved as a 501.C.3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service. Its major activity is the operation of the Lions Eye Bank of Hawaii which provides ophthalmic tissue for sight-saving eye and cornea transplants. Imagine how precious it is to have or regain the gift of sight!!!
In addition, Lions perform countless hours of personal services such as collecting, cleaning and shipping used eyeglasses to third world countries, providing meals for the hungry and homeless, conducting vision and hearing screening for elementary school students, providing compassionate care for the elderly, sponsoring diabetes camp for youths, repairing and maintaining school facilities and bus shelters, repairing sidewalks, initiating environmental cleaning, serving as volunteers for health fairs, and collaborating with other charitable community organizations for events. As Lions we are all proud to live our motto: “WE SERVE!”
In order to continue to meet current and future charitable needs, we are having the
Hawaii Lions Foundation Golf Classic Fundraiser
Friday, June 30, 2023
At the beautiful Pearl Country Club
This is our major fundraising activity and we humbly ask for your kind support by being one of our Sponsors and/or making a monetary donation. Please refer to the attached flyer and registration form for details. Be assured that 100% of the net proceeds from this event will be utilized for charitable services that will benefit all segments of our Hawaii communities.
With sincere gratitude,
Robert Lee, International Director, Lions International
Honorary Chairman
Kelvin Moniz, President, Hawaii Lions Foundation
Tournament Chairman
Gary Nip, District Governor, District 50 Hawaii Lions
Tournament Co-Chairman