I MUA! From DG Gary…See International President Brian Sheehan’s email below on “Fast Start Charter Challenge” and click on “Awards Website”. There are recognition opportunities for IPDG, FVDG, SVDG, Leo-Lion Chair, and Zone Chairs. Zone Chairs: See the August Updates below and remind your clubs to apply for the Club Excellence Award BEFORE the August 31 deadline and email them to IPDG Mitch Tam for his action.
Dear District Governor,
You are leading Lions into a whole new era of service and giving around the world. Last year you helped your district become a part of history with Campaign 100. Now, it’s up to you to decide how we’re going to move forward as an association. Are you ready to shake things up?
Let’s get out there and charter new clubs. Let’s strengthen our membership and share the joy of being Lions. Let’s do even more service, and have even more fun together. And let’s make supporting Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) one of our top priorities. I’m depending on you to keep your Lions involved with our foundation. Whether they’re applying for grants, sharing stories online or giving a donation, their support is essential to our mission of service.
We all know how much of an impact Lions can make in our communities. And we can make it even bigger through the support of LCIF. So let’s be generous in our support, and ambitious in our district goals. Because what you start today will guide our service and our association for years to come.
Make a great day,
Brian Sheehan
International President
Read more of the story and references to the Awards page links.