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Hawaii Kai Lions Club Father’s Day Breakfast

Father & 2 daughters on bicycle

Hawaii Kai Lions Father's Day Breakfast

BIG CHANGE THIS YEAR!!! Along with being the granddaddy fundraiser, this year the cafeteria will not be accessible. However, the Hawaii Kai Lions took on this challenge and leveled-up their game.  The high school parking lot will be transformed into Hawaii’s Largest Drive-through Breakfast Takeout!  Such a logistical endeavor cannot be matched by any commercial fast food restaurant.  On average, there are 6-12 cars at those drive-thru locations, the Lions will be cranking this up by 5 times! This huge undertaking took quite some time in planning.  On Father’s Day, it is estimated that 1000 cars will come through and pickup their bento breakfast.

The Hawaii Kai Lions Club will serve over 3,000 BREAKFASTS this Fathers’ Day to raise money to fund community projects such as the annual Hawaii Kai Holiday Parade; vision and hearing screening for preschool and elementary school children; projects and monetary support for Hawaii Kai public schools; monetary support of Hawaii Kai Library, Kaiser High School Project Graduation, Junior Police Officer (JPO) appreciation events; and many other projects that make a difference in the community.

Tickets were presold and all tickets have sold out. The meal includes fried rice, link sausages, and scrambled eggs. Due to COVID restrictions, this year’s event will be drive-through, pick-up only.

The Hawaii Kai Lions Club is a dedicated group of men and women that identify a number of critical community needs, then work together to raise the funds & manpower to fulfill those needs. More recently, Hawaii Kai Lions introduced RESCUE TUBES; personal flotation devices designed to assist distressed swimmers until lifeguards arrive. Over a dozen lives have already been saved in Hawaii Kai alone. 

The Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every  month.   Find out more about the Hawaii Kai Lions Club by visiting their website